
Are you feeling colorful nasal discharges or congestion with headache of variable degree?

Are you feeling facial pain with swelling in your sinuses area?

Yes, you are suffering from Sinusitis.

Sinus is the vacant cavities (empty spaces) within the face bones connected to cavities in the nose which make the skull light.

Inflammation of these sinuses causes headache, face pain, thick mucus in your nose, plugged nose and other symptoms. This condition is called Sinusitis.

Sinus or Sinusitis Symptoms

  1. Headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area, or on one side of the head
  2. Cough with fever, bad breath, and nasal congestion with thick nasal secretions
  3. The common cold, allergic rhinitis (swelling of the lining of the nose), nasal polyps (small growths in the lining of the nose), or a deviated septum (a shift in the nasal cavity)
  4. Thick yellow-green nasal discharge
  5. Postnasal drip, often with a bad taste
  6. Loss of the senses of smell and taste
  7. Facial pain, particularly when leaning forward
  8. Congestion
  9. Toothache

Causes of Sinus or Sinusitis

  1. Toxins accumulating in tissues and blocking circulation
  2. Poor nutrition
  3. Poor digestion
  4. Imbalance of the nervous system
  5. Accumulation of physical and mental stress
  6. Lowering of natural resistance and immunity
  7. Disruption of natural biological rhythms

Ayurveda Treatment For Sinus or Sinus Infection

In Ayurveda, this condition can be correlated to Dushta Pratishyaya, where the main dosha affected is Kapha.

Top Therapy for Sinus Treatment include
  1. Detoxification processes
  2. Panchakarma Therapy (Nasyam , Lepanam, Thalam, Vamanam, Shirodhara)
  3. Oral medicines
  4. Dietary and life style modifications.
Naturopathy Therapy for Sinus Treatment
  1. Hot and cold Fomentation
  2. Kati Snana
  3. Mud Therapy
  4. Enema
Other Top Therapy for Sinus Treatment
  1. Meditation & Pranayama
  2. Yoga & Exercise
  3. Diet
  4. Life Style Modification
Acupressure point for Sinus treatment
  1. Extra 1
  2. GB 14
  3. LI 14
  4. DU 20 / GV 20
  5. LI 4

How to cure Sinus or Sinusitis at home ?

People can cure sinus or sinusitis at home without any medicine. In acupressure treatment it is considered that their are certain potent points on our body stimulating those potent points will help to fight against acute or chronic sinus. For sinus or sinusitis people can stimulate the above 5 points daily for 2 to 4 minutes. People will surely feel the benefits of stimulation of acupressure points for sinus or sinus infection.

If someone has chronic sinus they need to consult our expert.

2 minute home remedy for sinus treatment

The main reason of sinus is fungus inside our nostril because of which constant development of mucus in nose, which causes pain and inflammation or migraine. To relieve these all we have to work on root of it, which is fungus that’s why while doing jal neti we will use garlic which has anti bacterial properties and also helps to relieve mucus from the nose. By doing just 2 minute therapy everyday you can say goodbye to sinus and migraine.