Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone and What does it do?

Ozone is O3 (3 oxygen atoms combines) and forms an energetic molecule that readily donates it’s third oxygen atom to free radicals that are usually causing damage to our bodies through oxidation. If their is Ozone present in our bodies then the oxidation damage caused by these free radicals is halted because the free radicals are made stable and therefore undestructive by the extra oxygen atom given off by the Ozone.

Ozone is 3000x the Power of Chlorine

Ozone is up to 3000 times faster and more effective than chlorine at killing bacteria, molds, cysts and inactivating virus, while providing you with a purity not achievable with conventional chemicals. Unique to ozone is the fact that micro organisms do not build up immunity to being treated with ozone. Ozone is approved for direct contact with food products by the FDA as an antimicrobial agent and granted full USDA approval with no restrictions for use on organic products.

Major Effects of Ozone

  1. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. If, deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions). Ozone significantly raises the oxygen levels in the blood for long periods after ozone administration; as a result, allergies have a tendency to become desensitized.
  2. Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins. Interferons orchestrate every aspect of the immune system, inhibit viral replication.
  3. Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing. Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interluekin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system. It is secreted by T-helpers. T-helper causes it to produce more IL-2. Ozone’s main duty is to induce Lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate, yielding more T-helpers, T-suppressors, cytotoxic T’s, T-delayed’s and T-memory cells.
  4. Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-seventeenth as efficient as our own.
  5. Ozone is effective against all types of fungi. This includes systemic candida albicans, athlete’s foot, molds, mildews, yeasts, and even mushrooms.
  6. Ozone fights viruses in a variety of ways. As discussed above, ozone also goes after the viral particles directly.
  7. Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly-dividing cells and are inhibited by ozone.
  8. Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque. It breaks down the plaque involved in both Arteriosclerosis and Arthrosclerosis.
  9. This means ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of large and even smaller vessels. This allows for better tissue oxygenation in deficient organs.
  10. Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells.
  11. Ozone accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle. Also known as the Krebs Cycle or TCA Cycle, this is a very important step in the glycolysis of carbohydrates for energy.
  12. Ozone makes the antioxidant enzyme system more efficient.
  13. Ozone degrades petrochemicals. These chemicals have a potential to place a great burden on the immune system.

Aging is a Disease, Ozone Helps Slow the Process

It is not unusual to go to an orthodox medical doctor with a question about a symptom and rather than get a medical explanation, be told “it’s your age.” Age seems to be the excuse for arthritis, diabetes, fatigue, stroke, cancer, impotence, overweight, constipation, digestive disorders, Alzheimer’s and every known medical condition. Age is a scape-goat excuse; it’s the lazy doctor’s way out. Can you imagine all those years in medical school to utter such silliness? In Naturopathic medicine, it is our belief that age and aging, especially premature aging, is a disease. Did you get that? This is a different Medical model. When we define aging as a disease, and put aging in the proper perspective, not only does it not permit the lazy diagnosis, “it’s your age,” but it dares to ask more challenging questions.

  1. Why are so many people old at 35 and others young at 70?
  2. Why do some people look much older and others much younger than their age?
  3. Why do some old people live relatively free of disease?
  4. Why do some people reach a certain age and go down hill quickly while others seem to be ageless?
  5. Why are class reunions so shocking?
  6. Some people don’t seem to change, while others become unrecognizable?
  7. What is old age? What is youth? Is it chronological or bio-chemical?

While our entire society of “sickees” are operating at a level far below their potential. Dr. spent a lifetime studying old people, he traveled to 90 countries, and he claims that oxygen is one of the keys to longevity. Ozone therapy remember, is super oxygen. One of the basic healing principles of Naturopathic medicine always was fresh air and sunshine. We’ve learned that fresh air and sunshine generates ozone, the super oxygen that stimulates healing. In the Hunza country high up in the Himalayan Mountains the average life expectancy is 120 years of age. 110-year-old men play sports with the younger men. They work 10-12 hours a day in the fields. Some live to be 130 years of age and more. There is no cancer, no heart disease, no diabetes, and no arthritis. What do the experts attribute the Hunza’s exceptional health and longevity? Their soil, water and food is different then ours. They don’t have the mental stress that we have. But the biggest contributing factor is pure ozone, the super oxygen that is found in abundance in high mountain areas above 7,000 feet.

Here are the top 10 benefits of ozone that nobody told you about:
  • Ozone strengthens your immune system
  • Ozone kills bacteria and viruses on contact
  • Ozone increases the oxygen level of your cells
  • Ozone detoxifies your body
  • Ozone reduces inflammation
  • Ozone has been known to kill HIV
  • Ozone can kill cancer cells
  • Ozone is anti-aging
  • Ozone increases energy
  • Ozone reduces acidity