In Ayurveda, it (Eczema / Psoriasis / Sclap psoriasis / Urticaria / Skin Infection) can be categorised under Twak vikara Lakshanas
Foods that cause skin diseases (Eczema / Psoriasis / Sclap psoriasis / Urticaria / Skin Infection):
- Viruddha Ahara – incompatible food combinations
- Intake of food mostly containing Hayanaka, Yavaka (low variant of barley)
- Uddalaka (a variant of black gram)
- Koradusa(Various kinds of classical grains) along with milk, curd, buttermilk
- horsegram, black gram and oil
- Intake of radish and garlic with milk
- Continuous intake of aquatic and marshy flesh with milk
- Use of Pippali, Kakmachi, Lakucha with curd and ghee
- Use of Meat of deer with milk
- Use of radish with jiggery
- Excessive use of alcohol with milk
- Intake of articles having sour taste with milk
- Excessive use of green vegetables with milk
- Intake of honey and meat after taking hot diet and vice-versa
- Use of fish,lemon and milk together
- Excessive use of newer grains, curd, fish, sour and salty eatables
- Excess use of sesame seeds, milk and jaggery
- Read more about such wrong food combinations
Habits that cause skin diseases:
- Physical exercise and taking sun bath after heavy meals
- Sexual intercourse during indigestion
- Regular sleep in the day
- To do exercise or to perform sexual intercourse after Snehapana (internal oleation) and Vamana (emesis)
- Entering into cold water immediately after one is affected with fear exhaustion and sunlight
- Withholding of the natural urges
Mental activities which leads to Skin Disease
- Insulting wise men, teachers and other respectable persons
- Use of money or material acquired by unfair means
- Censuring or killing Virtuous persons
Premonitory symptoms of Skin Disease
- Aswedanam(decreased sweating) or Atiswedanam (excess sweating)
- Parushyam(roughness of the skin)
- Vaivarnyam (discoloration of the skin)
- Kandu (itching)
- Suptata(numbness)
- Paridaha (mild burning)
- Klama(fatigue)
- Signs and symptoms of eczema
- Kandu (itching)
- Pidika (blisters)
- Shyava (bluish black discoloration)
- Srava (oozing)
- Ruja (pain)
- Ruksha (dryness)
- Rakta (redness/bleeding)
- Vrana (ulceration)
Scientifically treatments have been classified as:
(a) Shodhana Chikitsa
When doshas are vitated in large guantity & disease is chronic then shodhan chikitsa should apply first. Acharyas have classified shodhana as:-
- Basti Karma
- Vaman Karma
- Virechana Karma
- Nasya Karma
- Raktamokshana (Blood letting)
(b) Shaman Chikitsa
When doshas are minimally imbalanced & the body is weak. Shaman Treatment is more important. Shaman treatment can be classified as external & internal. Administration of proper food, medicines by mouth is internal treatment & the application of medicated oil, lepa (ointment), etc is external treatment.
External application Skin Disease
- Among topical preparations
- Lepa – cream application
- Parisheka – sprinkling of liquids over the lesions
- Avachurana – dusting with powder
- Avagahana – dipping the affected part in medicated liquid
- Dhuma – fumigation of the affected skin part
These have been mentioned in the management of all types of Kushtha.
Wholesome diet and habits Skin Disease
- Laghu Anna (Light food)
- Tikta Shaka(Bitter vegetables)
- Purana Dhanya(Older grains)
- Jangala Mamsa (Flesh of desert animals)
- Mudga(Greengram)
- Patola(snake gourd)
- Shali-Shastika – rice harvested in 60 days
- Yava – barley
- Godhuma – wheat etc
- In cold countries, for those people who are allergic to gluten, wheat might not be ideal
Unwholesome diet and habits inSkin Disease
- Guru anna (heavy food intake) – causes indigestion and imbalance of Kapha, leading to worsening of itching
- Dugdha (excess of milk and dairy products) – causes Kapha increase, leading to itching and excessive secretion
- Amla Rasa (Sour food) – causes pitta imbalance
- Dadhi (curd) – causes pitta increase
- Anupa Mansa(Marshy flesh)
- Matsya(Fish)
- Guda (Jaggery)
- Tila(Seasame)
- Kulattha (Horse gram)
- Masha(Black gram)
- Vidahi Anna(Spicy food)
- Ikshu Vikara (Sugarcane derivatives)
- Lavana (Salty food)