Top 10 Sign & Symptoms of PCOD Or PCOS

  1. Are you getting Hirsutism (excess hair growth, usually in a male pattern)?
  2. Are you getting Acne, oily skin, seborrhea?
  3. Are you getting enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts?
  4. Are you getting Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, Anovulation?
  5. Are you getting Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (abnormal bleeding patterns at mid cycles)?
  6. Are you getting Insulin resistance (problems with blood sugar regulation)?
  7. Are you getting Male-pattern hair loss and fat deposition?
  8. Are you getting Weight gain, difficulties losing weight, central obesity?
  9. Are you getting hyper pigmentation on neck and face?
  10. Are you getting painful periods?

Then you are suffering from pcod/pcos, take medical advice from SEVA-DHAM Plus.

What is PCOD Or PCOS ?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common Endocrine disorders among females. It is thought to be one of the leading causes of Female subfertility and the most frequent endocrine problem in women of reproductive age.

Finding suggest that the ovaries appear polycystic on ultrasound is common, but it is not an absolute requirement in all definitions of the disorder.

Ayurveda suggests that this is a Vata type disorder (Apan vata), though the involvement of other dosha can be there but in some measure.

Vata predominance PCOD or PCOS : It manifests with painful menses, severe menstrual irregularity, low weight, coldness.

Pitta predominance PCOD or PCOS : It manifests as hair loss, acne, painful menses, clots, heart problems.

Kapha predominance PCOD or PCOS : It manifests as increased weight, infertility, hirsutism, diabetic tendencies, coldnesss.

Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOD or PCOS

The treatment principle is to clear obstruction in the pelvis, normalize metabolism, Assist cleansing and regulate the menstrual system (arthava dhatu).

The therapies like:
  1. Virechana
  2. Uttara Vasti
  3. Urdvartana
  4. Garshan
  5. Takra Dhara
  6. Vasti
Yoga Exercises For PCOD or PCOS
  1. Ardhmatsyendrasana
  2. Paschimottanasana
  3. Matsyasana
  4. Surya namaskar
  5. Sarvagasana
  6. Ushtrasana

The above mentioned asans if followed strictly at home on daily basis for certain time then an individual might notice the change in his health. But these asans should not be performed or practiced during periods. Individual should perform these asans under the guidance of an expert because incorrect yoga execise might leads to other health problems.

Naturopathy Therapy For PCOD or PCOS:
  1. Hot and cold Fomentation
  2. Mud Therapy
  3. Enema
Other Therapies for PCOD | PCOS:
  1. Meditation & Pranayama
  2. Yoga & Exercise
  3. Diet
  4. Life Style Modification