Diabetes : Causes, Effects and Cure
In this video, the information is all about the most pervasive disease in the world called Diabetes. Most frequently asked questions of Diabetic person to doctors are like What is Diabetes ? What are the causes of Diabetes ? What are the effects of Diabetes ? How Diabetes can be cured ? What are the best food to eat to counter Diabetes effects ? What are the best ways to cure Diabetes ? All these questions has been answered in this video.
Questions to ask yourself :
- Are you getting Excessive urine formation & frequent urination?
- Are you getting Burning of palms and soles?
- Are you getting increased hunger, Excessive Thirst, too much hungry?
- Are you getting Sweet taste to mouth, Weight Loss, Blurry Vision?
- Are you getting Wounds that take time to heal, Skin Infections?
- Are you getting unexplained extreme fatigue?
- Are you getting Lack of energy and feeling tired easily?
- Are you getting Blurred eye vision, Dry and itchy skin?
- Are you getting Losing sense or tingling in feet?
- Are you getting unusual sudden weight loss or gain?
- Are you getting Profuced sweating, foul smell of the body?
- Are you getting feeling of Lethargy, heaviness at heart region?
- Are you getting feeling of thin coating on eyes, tongue, ears?
- Are you getting excessive growth of hairs, nails?
- Are you getting dryness of throat, palate, mouth?
- Are you getting burning sensation on palm, sole?
- Are you getting sweetness of urine?
In today’s stressful modern living, incidence of Diabetes is definitely increasing. Every now and then we come across patients of Diabetes seeking treatment and advice.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to make proper use of glucose resulting in hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and glycosuria (sugar in urine).
According to Ayurveda There are 20 forms of Diabetes (Prameha): 4 are due to Vata, 6 result from Pitta, and 10 are caused by Kapha. But Diabetes (Prameha) is mainly kapha doshaja disease.
All forms of diabetes not treated to eventually develop into Madhumeha (Diabetes Melitus).
Diabetes is termed as SILENT KILLER and recently evidence of cases of “Insulin resistance” and the occurrence of side effects from prolonged administration of conventional drugs have triggered the search for safe and effective alternatives.
Yashcha kinchith vidhiranyepi sleshma medho moothra samjananam sa sarva: nidana vishesha:
The main cause of prameha (diabetes) is lack of exercise and consumption of excess food having ushna, snigdha and gurunature. Foods that increase kapha, medhas and mootra are the major factors for prameha.
Risks associated with Diabetes
If not treated diabetes can lead to glaucoma, cataract and retinopathy. Since healing does not take place quickly there is a risk of gangrene and foot problems. Skin is more susceptible to infection and heart function is also affected leading to cardiovascular complications. Kidneys are affected; stomach functions reduce, nerve damage can happen. The risk of stroke is present and men may become impotent.
There is no permanent cure for diabetes in allopathy and one has to take medications to keep condition stable and dosage of such medication may rise over time. Such medications may have adverse effect on heart, liver and kidneys when consumed for a long time.
Ayurvedic Diabetes (Madhumeha) Cure / Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda :
According to Ayurveda the line of treatment of prameha is strictly on individual’s constitution.
- The prakrithi of the patient.
- Dosha predominance of disease.
- Dooshya vitiation.
- Obstruction in srothus.
- Manasika Prakrithi.
- Ahara & Vihara.
- Hereditary factors etc…
- Rasayana: Rejuvenates each and every cell of the body.
- Raktasodhana: Purifies the blood and removes all toxins from it.
- Krimirogahar (Antihelmenthic): It is very useful in disease which originate from external causes like infection, worm infestation etc.
- Pramehaghna: It is useful in all disease which involve discoloration of urine including diabetes (Madhumeha).
Multi channel approach is the norm in ayurveda for treatment of diabetes. It includes, aahar or diet, vihar or lifestyle and aushadhi or medicine.
Aahar or Diet in Ayurveda for Diabetes
- It is recommended to avoid sugar and refined foods and to eat grains like barley, jowar, bajra and other coarse grains.
- Lentils
- Vegetables like karela, methi, guwar, chillies, onion, garlic, white pumpkin
- Fruits like apple, pear, berries
- It is recommended that diabetes consume satvik aahar in small quantities 3 to 5 times in a day.
Vihar or Lifestyle for Diabetes
- An hour of gentle exercise like walking is necessary, especially in the morning.
- Yogasanas can prove very effective especially paschimottanasan, halasan, bhujangasan and shalabhasan.
Top Therapies For Diabetes Treatment:
- Udwertana
- Dhanyamla Dhara
- Sarvang Abhyanga and swedana
- Sarvang Ksheer Dhara
- Nidrajanak Ksheer dhara
- Vamana karma
- Virechana Karma
Natural treatments need discipline on the part of patients. For instance, they may be advised to avoid spices, sugar and salt and try to consume higher amount of only fresh fruits and vegetables or boiled foods. It is a contradiction but those with diabetes sometimes have higher cracing for spicy foods and sweets so maintaining control is important. Some have reported natural cures only by consuming amla and turmeric powder in the morning and consuming boiled foods.