
Shatkarma, is  series of hatha yoga purifications of the body to prepare for the main work of yoga toward moksha. These practices, referred to as kriya by Svatmarama in the Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, are Netī, Dhautī, Naulī, Basti, Kapālabhātī, and Trāṭaka

Shatkarma –

  1. Neti
  2. Nauli
  3. Dhauti
  4. Basti
  5. Kapalbhati
  6. Trataka

Neti – Neti kriya is cleansing of nasal cavity of nose in shatkarma is  purification kriyas (known as shatkarma). It is a yogic nasal cleansing exercise and is used ceremonially to cleanse the sinuses and nasal passages.

Nauli – nauli is second shatkarma kriya in which rhythmic movement of abdomen muscle. Nauli kryia is a yogic cleansing exercise that involves a rolling motion of the abdominal muscles.

Dhauti – Dhauti is one of the shatkarmas (or shatkriyas) that make up the yogic system of body purification techniques. Its main purpose is to cleanse the entire length of the digestive tract, but it also involves the respiratory tract, the external ears, and the eyes.

 Basti – Basti is an important shatkarma, a yogic purification used to cleanse the lower abdomen, especially the colon. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other sources, many positive effects are attributed to it

  Kapalabhati – Kapalabhati is an important shatkarma, purification in hatha yoga. The word kapalabhati is composed of two Sanskrit words: kapāla means “skull,” and bhāti means “luminous, illuminating.” It is mainly used to cleanse the sinuses, but has magical healing properties according to the Gheranda Samhita.

 Trataka  – Trāṭaka is a yogic purification and a tantric meditation method in which one stares at a single point, such as a small object, a black dot, or a candle flame.